Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Part 2

Can't complain about the mail when they are bringing such great packets!  Today's mail brought my seed order from Renee's Garden Seeds and one that I talk about in my latest post for The Herb Companion called Herb Seed Catalogs Mark the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.  I have ordering from Renee Shepherd for many years when she had a catalog called Shepherd's Garden Seeds and now she is online and through select retailers around the country.  I do not buy a lot of herb plants in seeds.  I do not have the space to grow many plants nor the time to tend them indoors.  So we have begun sticking to annual flowers that can be direct sown in the garden.

This packet included from left to right (top row):  'Whirlybird Mix' nasturtiums (no spur on the back of the flower), 'Alaska Mix' nasturtiums (variegated leaves), 'Buttercream' nasturtium (mounding variety), 'Vanilla Berry' nasturtium (mounding variety) and 'Cup of Sun' nasturtium (mounding variety), 'Chocolate Cherry' sunflower (ornamental) and 'Sunzilla' sunflowers (giant).  I'm hoping to use the 'Sunzilla' as a border in the back of my garden.  I did that several years ago and it looked so cool.  Haven't been able to duplicate it since!  Ugh!  Then Renee's Garden has joined the Hunt for Bees and gave us a packet of 'Lemon Queen' sunflowers.  I have had something like these in past gardens.  So if it will bring the bees, I'm in!

As you can see by the banner photo, the snow has retreated and we were in the 50's today!  Not complaining but the bulbs may start to grow.  I'm trying not to pay attention!  If I ignore them, they will just stay underground!  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.