Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Tooting My Own Herbal Horn!

The Herbal Husband Celebrating My Award!
Had a great surprise in my Hotmail inbox last evening, an herb blog award!  Online Schools.org sponsors this award and they give out a lot of them in different categories!  I should also thank you the readers because I was nominated by some of you!  So thank you for reading my blog!  You can click on my award over to the right and check out the other herb blogs who won!  Can't be any more of a Diva than I already am!  Oh, maybe I can be an Herbal Diva!  Oh, I already am that!  I just looked at the badge I picked with that big TOP on it!  I'm pretty low on the list.  Maybe it's in alphabetical order!  Stop whining you made the list!  Well, my day has been great.  Hope yours is as well.  Going to take Jim and LaVerne on the Turnpike over to Hoss's for our birthday dinners!  Remember he is 94 and I'm 29!  Ha, I'm sticking to that story!  Going to be a little chilly tonight, but right back up in the 80's over the weekend.  Talk to you later!