Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

And The Winners Are....!

The Herbal Husband drew the lucky names out of my Greek cheese making basket!  Here they are:

Aunt Helen's Garden by Ernestine Perry  Carol
Calendar of a Kitchen Herb Garden by Katherine W. Wilbert   Carla
Herbal Notepad--Things I really should do before I can work in my herb garden ...  Jules@OneBook Shy
Gardening with Herbs for Flavor and Fragrance by Helen Morgenthau Fox  Becca's Dirt
Growing and Using Rosemary by Bertha Reppert  taylorsoutback
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record-Handbook on Herbs and Their Ornamental Uses, March 1977  seanymph

I'll get around and leave a winning comment for you and then you need to e-mail me your mailing address. I'll get everything packed up and in the mail on Monday!  Thanks so much everyone for participating and reading my blog.  I love you all!  You make my life very special!