Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

A Beautiful Morning in the Garden!

Volunteer Sunflower Blooming Wildly!
I'm not in the garden as often as I would like this time of year.  The harvesting of berries, herbs and veggies has begun.  I just finished a batch of raspberry jam.  The second harvest has begun, but we aren't getting enough rain.  Unless The Herbal Husband waters, I may not be making too much more raspberry jam.  Here is a volunteer sunflower hiding the bird feeder in the shape of a sunflower!  I know confusing!

Four O'Clocks That Can't Tell Time!
The four o'clocks that don't know what time it is!  It was about 10:00 AM.  We have all yellows this year.  And more sunflowers.  I think The Herbal Husband planted these along our back fence.  Hope you are having a great day.  The celebrating continues with a movie, Get Low with Robert Duvall and Bill Murray among others.  I think a quirky little movie and my free burger at Red Robin.  Talk to you later!
One of My Favorite Sunflowers!
Sunflower Peeking Out From Morning Glories!