Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Time to Weed The Thyme!

A majority of my thymes are on my rock wall.  They have really thriving there.  The lawn is interfering in their ability to expand.  This is my woolly thyme with grass growing in the midst.  Here it is cleaned up!

I apologize for the quality of the photo, it was quite steamy out today.  I think it looks better, using the best tool you can, your fingers and an occasional pull with the tweezers.  It also helped that it rained last night.  This morning was much easier to work than later in the day.  The rain had already drained out the chipmunk holes!

This is my creeping lemon thyme that is quite happy, but had a little too much lawn growing in it.
 Here it is cleaned up.  Why does my head start draining when I put gloves on and lean over to weed any plant!  It just drives me nuts and then today, I just dripped along with the draining!  It was not pretty, but I did get through the important part.  The thyme can once again thrive and I may take a little more lawn out so it really can!  Sorry for the really late post.  I got to go see if I have a Cheep Room for tomorrow!  Talk to you later.