Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Cheep Rooms on Thursdays! (UPDATED)

Under the grapevine and attached to the arbor, The Herbal Husband placed a couple of bird boxes that were meant for bluebirds.  Alas, no bluebirds and almost no birds.  The squirrels gnawed the holes larger and no birds were taking up residence.  Then The Herbal Husband came up with a metal fitting that was perfect to fit over the larger hole and allow the birds to use the boxes once again!  I say genius!  Mostly sparrows use these boxes, but I have seen the chickadees think about it.  So join us on Thursdays with your own Cheep Rooms!  This is an update for Messy Missy!  Here is a closeup, Missy.  The Herbal Husband thinks it's in the bath section of Home Depot to hold a shower curtain rod?  He isn't really sure.  You know can't remember what happened in the last 15 minutes?  I think if you take this photo with you, an Home Depot employee will be able to help!  I hope!