Sabtu, 06 Desember 2008

Holiday Herbal Gifts Series #6 - spritzes and powders

I chose some simple ideas for today because I'm about to fly down to the shop and get ready for a huge crowd. We don't usually do much on weekdays, but yesterday was swamped.

Linen or Body Spritz
4 oz spritz bottle
3 oz distilled water
1 oz vodka
40 drops of fragrance

First in goes the alcohol, then the fragrance, then fill with the water. If filled in this order, the mixture sometimes remains emulsified. In any case though, put "shake well before use" on the label before giving away.

Natural Dusting Powder
2 cup corn starch
1 cup rice flour
1 cup arrowroot
1 tsp. orris root
1/2 tsp essential oil
Mix the essential oil first with the orris root and allow to sit for a few hours. Then mix that with one cup of the corn starch, blending well. Finally, mix it all together. Let sit for at least a week. Put into powder shakers or wide boxes with a puff. If you cannot find the arrowroot, you may substitute more of the corn starch or rice flour. I also like to add powdered rose petals - just enough to give it a slight pink color.

Some of our advertisers at The Essential Herbal Magazine that might be helpful in these projects, for both the ingredients and the containers: The Soap Dish, Southern Soapers, and SunRose Aromatics - as well as the sources listed in #4.

The above products would go very well with some of the products found at The Sibling Group, and of course you can't beat a yearly subscription to The Essential Herbal. Have I mentioned that before? I can't recall :-).