Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

Holiday Herbal Gift Series #18 - Spice Necklace

Pictured below is actually a small garland I made for a little tree. The same sort of thing can be done to make a wonderfully fragrant necklace that is fun to make and fun to wear. Sniffing around the internet prior to posting this entry, I saw that there are people making necklaces using whole cloves, and threading them longways, meaning that they are flower buds and are sort of like dried tubes. They looked very cool, but I've never done them myself. You can find instructions and pictures HERE To make a spice necklace the first thing to do is gather the spices. Some of my favorites include:
Juniper Berry
Star Anice
Cinnamon pieces
Hawthorn Berry
Vanilla Bean
Ginger Root

Most designs generally use the star anise as a sort of pendant in the center. You may want to draw out a design or pattern before beginning. I fly by the seat of my pants, but acknowledge that most people do not.
Remember that the portion of necklace that will be against the back of the neck should use smoother spices like juniper, allspice, cardamom, rosehips, etc., so that they don't irritate the skin.

Put all of the spices to be strung in a small amount of warm water. They can go in together - it won't hurt anything. The water will soften them and will also uncurl the cinnamon.

Using a crewel or tapestry needle and some strong thread (cinnamon dental floss is nice - and scented!) begin stringing the spices. Remember that they will shrink a bit as they dry, so string them tightly.

Hang to dry and they'll be ready in one or two days.