Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Holiday Herbal Gift Series #1 & #2

I wanted to start this on the first, but missed a day. Planning fun and inexpensive gifts with an idea that I would actually use myself is a little challenge I've set for myself.

#1 - (for yesterday) is BATH SALTS. This one is super easy. Sea salt, kosher salt, or even table salt can be used. Sea salt is really best though IMHO. To a couple cups of salt, add a teaspoon of liquid glycerine (that can be obtained at the pharmacy) into which you've mixed 10-20 drops of essential or fragrance oil and a drop or two of food coloring. Allow the salt to sit, mixed, for a week or so and then put into a decorative container that can be purchased in a craft store. Some scented oils might morph with salt - lavender does, for instance. Test them by mixing a drop with a teaspoon and allowing to sit for 2 days. If the scent stays true, you can use it.

#2 - today's idea is one we will definitely use here this year. Memory Boxes are made by getting unfinished wooden boxes at the craft store and using Modge-Podge to decoupage pictures that remind you of that person, things you've done together, things you know they like, etc. to make an interesting creation that will let that person know how special they are to you. Pictures can be real or taken from the computer by using Google Images. This one will be great fun!

Yesterday we were a few floors off the ground overlooking the town of Hershey. The walls were glass and we could see for miles.
An intense storm blew in as we watched, and pea-sized hail quickly covered the parking lots and walk-ways.
Moments later, the sun broke out and a rainbow was visible.
Driving home we watched the crescent moon keep company with Venus and Jupiter.
The barn across the street lit their 8 foot star that is directly across the street. I love it.
The world was so entertaining yesterday.

Stay tuned... more crafts to come!