Sabtu, 10 Juni 2006

What's happening at The Essential Herbal?

We're moving! That's what's happening at The Essential Herbal! Yesterday I was hauling a load of stuff to the new place, and stepped out on the back deck with the camera. There was a storm brewing, and it was the first time I noticed that we will be on top of the world.
The clouds were swirling in many different colors - pink, blue, purple, and a patch of aqua! It was as if I was standing in the middle of the clouds and could touch them... like flying through them in a plane. Anyhow.. scary and beautiful at the same time.
The first picture shows the patch of dirt that has been tilled and now has beans, brocolli, leeks, squash, many annual culinary herbs, and a row of lavender. There are a couple eggplants to go in, and some banana peppers.
This shot is looking straight out the back of the house. The silos are the next farm over, and then the farms on the horizon are several miles away. We do have some neighbors close on the sides, but the view is so stunning. Looks like the deck will be seeing lots of me. My office window looks out over this same vista. The trees are various conifers that my sister's husband grows for landscapers and Christmas trees.
They live down the hill to the right - in the hollow (their farm is called Frog Hollow Evergreen Farm). It isn't visible because of the lush growth, but Maryanne's soap and glass studio is right down there. We haven't decided exactly where the still will be set up, but either way, we have space to do just about anything.
The fence in the back has also been planted with lots of heirloom tomatoes, heirloom peppers, passion flower vine, perennial herbs and watermelon vines.
I am having an absolute blast... and once I get the next mailing out, moving will get serious.