Jumat, 23 Juni 2006

Lavender and roses

Everything is blooming its heart out this year. I wanted to try to photograph the subtle pastel pink of the 'Jean Davis' lavender, but can't seem to get it to show up in the picture. So I brought some indoors and put a sprig on top of a bundle of L. angustifolia. At least you can see the contrast.

And the roses are so loveable. I grow a dozen or so old garden roses, having had my fill long ago of the high maintenance ladies.

My rose list:
Rosa eglanteria (the eglantine rose)
r. rubra (or is it r. glauca?)
'The Fairy'
R. rugosa alba
R. rugosa rubra
R. canina (the dog rose)
'Konigen von Danemark'
'Madam Hardy'
'La Reine Victoria'
'Reine des Violettes'
'Mme Isaac Perriere'
R. gallica versicolor 'Rosa Mundi'
'Salet' (moss rose)
'Tuscany' (a gallica)

I like to bring favorites indoors to put on my bedside table and at the kitchen sink in small vases. Don't mind the dust... I've been in the garden!