Sabtu, 24 Juni 2006

flowers are popping

Yesterday in the afternoon I wandered around looking at all the flowers that are knocking themselves out being gorgeous. As I mentioned earlier, there are huge stands of daylilies out and the buds are at the perfect ripeness for eating. The bright red poppies were a stunning splash of color, and the bee balm with it's shaggy head is one of my favorites.
The blue salvia is called "hummingbird sage" and the blue is electric. The stems are nearly black. It is a small plant (at least now) and an annual, but it is truly breathtaking.
The yucca stalk is actually about 7 feet tall, and the cream colored flowers are beautiful. This picture is taken of a middle section of the stalk, since it waved far above my head.
There were other flowers just popping open, too. My brother in law spent a few days a month or two ago spreading wild flower seeds which he then covered with hay. We don't know exactly what to expect there, although there have been a few opening here and there. One was a tiny yellow poppy, whose color was so intense that it washed out the green behind it. Just gives me more pictures to take on another day!
The move to the new home/office starts in earnest today. The flower and veggie gardens have already been planted - for this year, although more will go in during the fall, and there is a large sack of saffron bulbs waiting for me to find a space where the rabbits won't get them. It is good to have the ability to plant at will again. My fingernails have dirt under them again and there is a greenish tinge to my fingertips.
Sigh.... that makes me so happy!