Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

The Herbal Husband's Guacamole Recipe!

Get out the scoops and dig in!  Oh, sorry.  You need to make it first!   I'm here to share The Herbal Husband's Guacamole recipe.  Now he says please make it your own if there is something that he has left out.

The Herbal Husband's Guacamole
Feeds 2 Hungry Gardeners at Lunch or 4 Normal People as an Appetizer.

2 ripe avocados, mashed
2 small tomatoes or 1 medium tomato, diced
A couple of sprigs of parsley, chopped
A bit (1 sprig)  of cilantro, chopped
A bunch (4 or 5) of green tops from scallions, chopped
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Mash avocados with big fork, add salt and pepper to taste and one teaspoon of olive oil (maybe less).  Mix it, taste it and then add the scallion tops (and if you want more onion flavor, add the bottoms).  Then add the chopped parsley and cilantro (and again, add more of each if you like it).  I do like cooked cilantro better than raw so he doesn't put in as much as he could if I weren't around!  Mix together and add the tomatoes at the end.

The Herbal Husband has added a squeeze or two of lemon or lime juice, but I think it is very good just the way it is.  I like it better without the lemon or lime juice.  You may like it better with.  So hope you enjoy it.

We really have the stickies and ickies.  We got a couple of sunflower beds planted and I finally got seeds from last year's gift from Miss C planted.  I'll get photos of both beds so you can see the seedlings (hopefully) popping UP!  Hope you are having a great day.  Hope to add to The Herbal Husband's Recipes category from previous posts.  I did find a recipe for Causa and Lomo Saltado which are two of my favorite dishes from Peru so I added it to Herbal Husband Recipes.  I found a quick lunch idea of chicken salad in an avocado half as well.  We may have a cookbook before he is done!  Talk to you later.