Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

One of My Favorites This Time of Year!

This red bee balm is just beautiful.  Remember it is an edible flower.  The petals have that spice that the leaves have.  Delicious in a fruit salad.  Haven't seen one hummingbird yet this year.  Maybe will start to see them soon?  I hope.  There is always hope.  A delightful day in the garden.  Need to get the lawn (what's left of it) mowed.  Then pick more raspberries!  Was just dog tired yesterday from picking.  I don't know how farm hands do it!  Will be making jam tomorrow morning.  Here is an early post for my raspberry jam recipe.  Look at the date September, 2008 and it is just June!  I do get a break for a time.  These are last year's canes, but they are producing like crazy.  Mild winter, I guess.  Hope you are having a great day!  The mower is ready for me to mow.  Talk to you later.