Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Like Riding a Bicycle and the First Annual Lavender Festival

This was my dining room floor this morning and my sink after finishing the third batch of raspberry jam.  I told The Herbal Husband that no matter how I thought I would feel making the first raspberry jam, I still enjoy making it.  The last year's fruit usually doesn't stack up to making jam, but this fruit is different.  I already have a box of jam done!  I mostly make the last year's fruit into vinegar.  That mild winter is helping out again.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to plug an upcoming area event in Washington, PA just south of Pittsburgh.  This coming Saturday and Sunday, June 30th and July 1st, Destiny Hill Farm will be having its first Lavender Festival.  Please click on the link above or on the photo in the right hand side of my home page.  You will find a schedule of speakers, a list of vendors and a menu of lavender inspired lunch items catered by the local golf club.  They will have lavender wand demos and you will be able to cut your own lavender.  You will need to go to Trinity High School near by to park and take a shuttle to the farm.  You will not be able to park at the farm.  My herbal companion, Bonnie and I are going.   If you are in the area, check it out.

Getting hotter in the garden.  There is a lot blooming in the garden and I'll share that with you in future posts.  Hope you are staying cool wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.