Kamis, 26 April 2012

Above and Beyond Blooming!

This is supposed to a dwarf viburnum called 'Newport'.  It didn't quite get the message!  It was supposed to be in the four foot range so it wouldn't necessarily block the view of the garden!  Oops!   I guess our mild winter made it even happier.  The only thing missing from the shrub is fragrance.  The Herbal Husband said to me the other day imagine if this bush was fragrant.  It is still amazingly beautiful.  Hope you are having a great day.  If you'd like to I have been nominated by e-collegefinder.org as top gardening blog.  There will be three picked.  So click on the badge at the top of my home page and vote.  The voting ends at 5:00 PM EST on Monday, April 30, 2012.  Talk to you later.