Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Not Too Good At Multi-Tasking!

Yikes is it possible, we have less days to get finished what we need to get done before the holidays?  I'm just throwing that out in case you haven't started to panic yet.  We don't entertain much over the holidays so I'm just getting you motivated to get moving if you need to get in entertaining mode!  Hopefully, in the coming days I will share a holiday craft or two and maybe a new tea blend or two before Christmas comes for stocking stuffers.  Less than three weeks!

Have a little rose petal jelly, cream cheese and crackers in the meantime.  The consensus of The Herbal Husband and I was that this jelly needs a bit of help, like a tablespoon or two or rosewater.  I tried it all natural and my roses weren't quite fragrant enough to give the jelly flavor.  So if you're lucky enough to have roses still blooming, try the recipe at the link above, but add a tablespoon maybe two of rosewater.  So I'll get my act together and start those craft projects.  Still mild here.  Maybe that's why I'm not too in the holiday mood!  Talk to you later.