Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

I Guess I Can't Be Any Other Name!

Hope you had a nice Christmas!  It was very quiet around here.  I cooked most of the weekend.  Write that one down.  It doesn't happen often!  Maybe in the new year it will happen more.  Well, wanted to show you that both of our lemon verbenas still have their leaves and are growing new ones as well!  As I always tell you they usually drop their leaves and go dormant.  This year I guess we dug them up with enough time that they got used to their surroundings.  Well, we were supposed to get a light dusting last night and that didn't happen we just got almost an inch of rain.  Maybe over an inch.  We have been a lot warmer than usual, but today we are in the 20's.  Now it feels like Christmas and it's over!  Ha!  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.