Jumat, 19 November 2010

Live Wreath Class At The Village Herb Shop!

We started with this!

And Ended With This!

And This!

My Herbal Companion, Bonnie and I went up to spend the day with Kathleen Gips at The Village Herb Shop in Chagrin Falls, Ohio for a live wreath class.  I would say that it was intense and when it gets intense, I get chatty!  I apologize to everyone at my table!  I am also a Virgo--Perfectionist!  One of the teachers came up to me and said, "Nancy, it doesn't have to be perfect!"  She knew me right away.  I was able to let the perfection part go and I just got it done.  Everyone said walk around and see everyone else's, but I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't!  Everyone's was beautiful and different.  The bottom photo is Bonnie's wreath.  The Herbal Husband was impressed with the finished product!  It's bigger than our dining room table!  Will have to find a special place for it during the holidays.

Just want to send positive energy to Kathleen and her husband, Jack.  Kathleen was in the hospital with Jack and couldn't be with us.  She was there in spirit and we learned during the class that everything was fine with Jack!  If you are in the Chagrin Falls area, please stop by The Village Herb Shop.  It is chock full of Christmas cheer and items for your Christmas gift giving pleasure!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later!