Rabu, 24 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving and Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine!

This is the back of a box of cranberries from a few years ago!  I remember having the cranberry sauce from the can with all the ridges for years.  Then my mother came up with this cranberry orange relish from the 10-Minute Cranberry Sauce recipe on the back of the box and I have added an herbal twist.  So that's my story this time for The Herb Companion magazine called  Make Cranberry Orange Sauce with An Herbal Twist.  Hope you enjoy it!

I just want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!  The Herbal Husband and I are thankful for our families, friends and you, our faithful readers!  Hope you have a wonderful day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later.