Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

The Herbal Jungle!

This was the scene last night as we scrambled to get the herbal containers moved into the house.  We had our first frost advisory.  Officially I think we were 35 degrees last night so some plants in the back of our property where there is a low area might have gotten it.  I just looked out the bathroom window and it still looks pretty good!
The Herbal Husband's report says everything is good outside!  If we hadn't moved them inside though, something would have been frosted and then the Spanish starts!  Fortunately I know when the bad words start, I leave the premises!

Well, all of the kids (herbs) in the herbal containers this season grew like weeds!  Ha!  So now we have to take everything out and trim things back and place them semi-permanently for winter.  The herbal work never ends which is a good herbal thing.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Got to go walk!  Talk to you later!