Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Getting Ready for Some of the Kids to Come In!

The Rosemary is Still Blooming!
Lavenders are Looking Good Even the 'Coconut Ice' on the Left!
The Pineapple Sage in Flower is the Best!
The prostrate rosemary is doing very well in the container and will find a place in our garage this winter.

The lavenders will go on the western facing windowsill, including the little guy, 'Coconut Ice'.  We had this one in the trough that we had to replant and it languished through the summer.  I found this information from Van Bloem Gardens in Meridian, Mississippi:  'Coconut Ice' lavender is 16-18",  has dense, silvery-green foliage with spreading, uright habit. Flowers are clear pink before turning white. On the same spike more mature flowers show white, creating a stunning bi-color effect. Fragrant.

What can I say about the last photo, but what a fabulous show in the fall.  It is too bad that hummingbirds missed it!  They were gone early it seems.  It was a beautiful day in the 'Burgh.  I was inside making a batch of hot pepper jelly!  We are going down to the wire.  The temperatures are getting colder at night.  I have to work on the pineapple sage and lemon verbena jellies this week.  Rose geranium and rosemary garlic jellies will be made after that.  Our local ice cream place closes today!  We had to go and get one final ice cream cone!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later!