Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Never Too Much Parsley and Other Herbs to Harvest!

Found some leftover parsley in the freezer and it is about time to be cutting more for this winter.  I made a double batch of Parsley Dill Soup this afternoon.  A favorite here in our household!  It is time to start cutting some parsley and chives particularly for the freezer.  I'm also going to cut some lovage for drying and anise hyssop leaves to dry for tea.  Still have jelly to make.  The days are getting shorter and the nights are cooler.  May get some frost soon.  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later!  I also wanted to say we lost our dear friend, LaVerne this week.  She was a dear friend and her dear husband, Jim will be very lonely without her.  They were married 65 years!  The funeral was today and he was having a tough time as were many of us at the service, including me!  Rest in peace, LaVerne!  You were a gem!  We will miss you!