Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

One of My Favorites This Time of Year!

We hardly ever have our own lettuce and tomatoes at the same time.  The lettuce is usually on the way out and the tomatoes are just starting to ripen.  The Herbal Husband's salad this time of year are wonderful.  We still have lettuce because we have a lot more shade.  The heat didn't make it bolt.  The beets, radishes, flowers and tomatoes (They are hiding under the greens.) are all ours.  He puts chives, salad burnet and basil in as well.  It is delicious!

I always talk about my favorite herbal authors who are no longer with us like Adelma Simmons and Bertha Reppert.  I would like to talk about one of my favorite contemporary herbal authors, Jim Long.  This is one of his many booklets he has published, The Best Dressed Salad and yes, that is a half naked man on the cover!  But getting back to the subject of my post, salads.  That is what is my favorite this time of year, SALAD!  Jim has written the definitive book of salad dressings!  Some dressings you have used a lot and others that you might not have thought of.  I know you can still purchase this book at his website, Long Creek Herbs.  Jim Long's column in The Herb Companion magazine is the first thing I read when I receive each issue.  He is a true herbal treasure and has been so generous with his help tweeking his own recipes for my presentations.  Thank you, Jim for your inspiration, your herbal writings and your friendship!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later!