Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Not Quite a Cheep Room!

OK, it's a bath for the birds.  When we first moved to this house, we were buying those ceramic two-piece birdbaths.  They didn't last long with the crows around!  It became a game with them and it took us a few breaking to finally decide to get this one.  It takes the two of us to move the top in the fall.  We just turn it over so it does crack!

The herbs thriving around it are basil mint that I got out in sunny California a number of years ago.  It is more in the shade than it would like so it moves to the edges and into the sun.  The other herb is sweet woodruff.  It gets a little ratty looking this time of year and it is hotter this season.  It is still looking pretty good in the shade.

So I'm going out to weed before it really gets too hot!  Going into the 90's later today!  Far cry from last year's Seattle summer!  Hope you have a great day!  Tomorrow is the last day to enter my 600th post contest.  Just comment for those buttons!  Talk to you later!