Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Stop What You Are Doing and Take a Minute!

Whether you talk on your cell phone or text or tweet, I would like you to stop and think about who and what is around you. If you have kids or grandkids, stop what you are doing and spend time with them today if you can.  If you have a dog and it isn't too stormy or cold out, take it for a long walk.  If you are in the middle of a storm, get a cup of tea or coffee and curl up with a good book or your cat.   Hope you still have power!  Dust off those cobwebs and enjoy each other's company today.  Life is too short not to be together.

The Herbal Husband helped me by taking these photos.  I need to spend time reading my favorite blogs!  Will be doing that throughout the coming weeks and hope to get more in touch with all of you!  We are off to the movies in a little while to see "Crazy Heart" with Jeff Bridges.   The movie was very good and Jeff Bridges was great!  He should win the Oscar!