Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Blue Skies, Snow and Mischief!

Remember we are in our gray period, winter.  So when we get a blue sky kind of day, it is the greatest!  So you have seen by the banner photo, we had snow again last night!  It is winter here and very cold again.  We had a brief taste spring on Monday when it was in the 50's!  So you have seen the blue sky, the snow and now on to the mischief!  I took this squirrel hunting in the snow for peanuts that might have been left behind.

Then it got a little bolder and jumped up on the bird feeder.  Fortunately the good news is it didn't get any birds or food!
Then I tapped on the window and off it went.
Never a dull moment!  Hope you are have a calm peaceful day wherever you may be!