Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

Inspired by Martha!

Oh, I guess you may have been thinking Martha Stewart.   Noooo, I'm talking about the hostess with the mostest (Is that a word?), Martha on the Kansas prairie and really one of the best party givers (Is that one word?) I have seen in a long time.  My best friend, Mar, gave me this kit for vanilla a while back.  I have made it in the past on my own and given it to her.  I guess she needed more and gave me a big hint!  Except it got lost in the mess that is my little part of the basement and our basement is small to begin with!  You ask how could it have gotten lost?  I have no clue.  I have found it and the other day the Meyers Dark Rum became the basis for the vanilla in this bottle.

This is a Rose & Ivy Premium Vanilla Infusion Kit.  On the sticker which was covering the cork, it read Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla.  On the directions it says use premium vodka.  Confused?  I think I used bourbon the first time.  I used Meyers Dark Rum this time.  I know there are people who use vodka, but I think a dark liquid gets the vanilla off to the right start.   There are three vanilla beans in the bottle.  Just cut them down the center and reinsert them in the bottle.  Fill with your choice of liquor, rum, bourbon or vodka and wait four to six months.  Check back at the end of March next year.  The vanilla should be ready.  I think my friend bought this at Macy's in New York, but you can find it at Bell Buckle Country Store, Inc. from Tennessee.  You can buy the kit or the ready made extract.  Here is the bottle that's sitting on my shelf in the basement.  There is a place to mark when you made it.  Let's hope I remember to test it in March.  Thanks Mar for the gift and Martha for inspiring me!