Rabu, 12 Maret 2008

New Valley - New Blog

I've had such a good time reading all those great herbal blogs out there that I thought I would create my own. I envision this as a place to record my herbal experiences for myself as well as whoever else may be interested in those experiences with the wild earth. Topics will undoubtedly be plants, sustainability, local eating/harvesting, health, nutrition, wildcrafting, structural medicine, and life.

As I write this I hear the bald eagle's flutey voice outside my window. A deer has fallen in the field outside my home, and the carrion birds are flocking in for the feast. Later tonight my husband will skin the hide of this deer which he will braintan for clothes. This summer he will be making an entire set of clothing for his primitive living project with Lynx Shepherd and her partner Rico.

Snow still has some serious patches in this valley, although the hills beyond the front yard are starting to sport some green patches as well. After a winter of delving into herbal books, lurking around forums, and playing with dried herbs, I am eagerly awaiting the new spring growth.

My husband and I moved to this valley nine months ago. We were attracted to this sparsely populated valley for it's abundance of local community. Gardens, raw dairies, and ranches provide all of our nourishment, while local wildlife feeds our souls. This valley is alive with deer, eagles, moose, wolves, and wolverines. The beautiful Methow (pronounced Met-how) river sasheys through this high desert valley and graces us with it's presence right outside our front door.

Our vision is to live in a good way. To us, this means using only the resources available to us in this valley. To live in harmony with the seasons, to take responsibility for our actions, and to be living thriving examples to those who wish to follow. Eventually this will mean an end to this cyber world, but until then I will track our movements closer to the earth.