Sabtu, 08 Maret 2008

China Bayles in NIGHTSHADE

The next in the China Bayles mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert is about to come out, and to borrow a line from Gene Simmons on "The Family Jewels", it's good to be me! Why? Because I was lucky enough to get a peek at an early issue of the book. Susan is doing something really cool to let everyone know about the new book, called a Blog Tour. She'll be dropping in to different blogs (you can get the schedule and follow along here: with a guest entry. As you can see on the blog sidebar, she'll be visiting The Essential Herbal Blog on April 9th, so I hope you come and be a part of it. You never know, you might just win something.

So... about this latest book...
Well, China's at it again, this time solving an on-going mystery as well as a new one. As always, lots of great herbal information as well as recipes for all the Solanaceae plants. With the election coming up, some of the back story is especially interesting and timely. There are elements to China's life that are so reminiscent to my own that I can't even go into it right now without giving away parts of the plot. I'm sure my half-brother would agree. I can say as an independent woman myself, I also love reading about the wonderful relationship China has with her husband! China fans, get ready for another great read.