Senin, 12 Februari 2007

what can I say, winter is getting a tad l-o-n-g

My pal Janet, wintering away in Florida, sent an e-mail reply to a message I wrote for the Herb Society bulletin board, that she is allowing me to share with you all. It might help to take our minds off the troubles of the world.**

" I see it has been very COLD there but I know you have already planted a hundred gardens in your dreams. This time of year my Dad had a stack of garden books 2ft. high next to his favorite chair and he read every one from cover to cover ( Wayside gardens was one of his favorites- is it still in operation?) He had all the new tomato seeds ordered and would start them in flats on the back porch. Wish I was half the gardener he was.
We are enjoying our winter here, It has been cooler than usual but today it was 70 so we aren't complaining.
Tell all the gals Hi for me - see you when the grass turns green.
Your friend, Janet"

Now, folks, Janet is a wonderful artistic gardener - her plants like her and grow so well for her!
Green grass, ah, the memories. I miss the smell of green grass. There's just no way to capture the greenie-ness it.
I could use sure some 70 degree sunshine about now. Yes, Wayside is still the wish book around here - what luscious photos. The lovely deep saturated purple roses on the cover makes me sigh but then turn the page and you have a two page spread of the most perfect huge happy colorful Echinacea, that just bring a joyful heart to look at them.
Wayside's catalogue has me at hello as they say.

Gardening in Michigan in February demands a heated spot for a comfy chair with a good light and a small cleared place to set the teacup or coffee mug, room for notebooks and plans, and piles and stacks of books and catalogues.
The best thing about winter dream gardens is the weeding is so easy on my back and the bugs are only good ones, like butterflies and fireflies.

**The Wayside and all the other garden catalogues come free and unsummoned in the mail, small mizpahs from the world of the living to our frozen landscapes, you could say... the Nation magazine you see on the table comes by subscription, we invite contrition and dream redemption. I will say no more.