Sabtu, 03 Februari 2007

Echinacea photos

(You should be able to see a bigger picture if you click on the individual photos. To return to the blog, click your back button. I'm sure there are a few more coneflower photos in my files, it just will take time to find and post them. Another hint: If you want to see all of the posts concerning a particular subject, click the tag list on the right. It will bring up all the humor posts, for instance.)

2001 - A good herbie photo... yarrow and silver king with coneflowers. Ahhh, summer!

2002 - Self sown coneflowers, in the gravel path in my herb garden. I hate to pull the seedlings, they are so spunky!

2006 - Purple Coneflower blooming with Shasta Daisies

Echinacea p.'White Swan' blooming in the shade. The hostas are tattered by slugs. I hate slugs... but I do have fireflies.