Sabtu, 03 Februari 2007

Herbal Puzzles With Words

In each issue of The Essential Herbal magazine, we put together an herbal crossword puzzle. Occasionally we slip in a Word Scramble, or a Word Search, but usually it is a crossword. The herbal word puzzles are usually linked to the season, or like the one below, may be specific to a particular interest. We like to think that there are groups out there using them in their herb meetings, bus trips, and including them in various hand-outs (with proper credit given, of course). The layout of this blog doesn't allow for the size needed for a crossword, so a Word Scramble will be offered. If you're looking for something like this for your herb gathering, email me. You must give credit to The Essential Herbal magazine, but otherwise, it is free to use.

Herbal Word Scramble (Wild Edibles Foraging)

1. LROEM.............................................. _ _ _ _ _
2. AEUNLSPR................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. DWLI OERS.................................. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. RRSETWSCEA........................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. LSMBA TRQRUAES ............ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. EELLU BNGBOIS ................. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. MSARP.............................................. _ _ _ _ _
8. RAASFSSAS............................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. ALSISYF ....................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10. ICBRH .............................................. _ _ _ _ _
11. TITACSLA................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12. CBLAK NLWASTU................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
13. ANECILGA................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
14. IRNTWFGDCALI.................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
15. WEDSEEA....................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _
16. DFLIE IUEDG............................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
17. BLEEYRERRD............................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
18. RCOLEV........................................... _ _ _ _ _ _
19. BCLYAKERRB........................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
20. EPPALAYM................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
21. EIKEHDCWC................................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
22. EPAML ............................................... _ _ _ _ _
23. DFDDLEHIEA............................. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
24. YRBRLEMU.................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
25. RUBEDD............................................ _ _ _ _ _ _

from The Essential Herbal magazine,
1354 N. Strickler Rd. Manheim, PA 17545

The answers will be posted in the comments section.

Last night we got about an inch of snow. Since a cold front was headed in (and seems to have arrived), I'm hoping it is enough to give the plants outside a little bit of insulation. I remember as a child, being perplexed about citrus growers spraying water over developing fruit to protect them from a cold snap - until someone explained that it kept them at 32 degrees, protecting them somewhat from colder temperatures in the short term.
When I woke up in the silent house this morning, it suddenly dawned on me that the snow changed the way the house feels. There is a different smell. Fresh, clean, and crisp. Is that possible? I've always known the smell of rain, but is it possible that there is a smell of snow? It made me think back to other times when there was a LOT of snow. Yes! I think there is a scent to snow. Not just wet clothes and hot chocolate, not the smell of fear-of-driving-in-that-stuff, but a real, pure scent. The quality of light is different too. Walking through the dining room at dawn, the light filtered in through the windows and if I hadn't already known it had snowed, I think just the difference in the light would have told me.
It was good to have a bit of winter. Molly and I had to go somewhere while it was snowing last evening, and we joked about this being the "onion snow". The onion snow is the last bit of snow for a season that signals when it is time to put in the onion sets. We were only half kidding. The groundhog said winter is over.