Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Just Having a Bit of Fun! Forgot to Post!

We have been in the garden nonstop since we last talked and it appears we have some things done and other tasks are just waiting.  We are going to get very hot this weekend and again it's only May!  Plants that bloom later are blooming now!  It's going to be a flower less summer if the weather doesn't start behaving!  We got the 'Coppertina' ninebark planted.  Still have the viburnum to plant.  Hopefully once the weather gets cooler from the 90's to the 80's, we can plant it.
Finally could plant basils and hopefully sometime this week we will get a bed in the back of the garden cleaned out and we can plant the sunflowers seeds.  It has been the 40's at night and neither the basils nor the sunflowers like cold soils.
And this unknown rose is beautiful.  I think I'll call it 'The Herbal Husband'.  We are going to the movies today to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.  Really enjoyed the movie.  Great cast.  Wish we had seen a bit of more of India, but it was good.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Have a great Memorial Day weekend if you are reading this in the US.  Talk to you later.