Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine!

This is the first of my guest blogs for The Herb Companion Magazine called Herb Catalogs:  Ready, Set and Plant Those Herbs, Part 1.  It takes you back to when I started my herb garden 22 years ago!  The Sandy Mush Herb Nursery was the herb catalog that brought a box full of herbs to my door all those years ago.  I also talk about Goodwin Creek Gardens in Oregon and Well-Sweep Herb Farm in New Jersey.  Both mail order herbs to your door.
Herb Catalogs:  Ready, Set and Plant Those Herbs, Part 2 is also on the Herb Companion blog site.  It talks about Mulberry Creek Herb Farm in Ohio.  Also there is an international connection with Richters in Ontario, Canada.  Yes, you can bring plants back to the US with the right paperwork.  Finally, I talk about a cherished name in the herb world, DeBaggio's Herb Farm in Virginia.  So please check out my posts and let me know what you think.  I have another two part guest post coming in the next couple of weeks for The Herb Companion, a kind of national list of herb farms that sell plants.  So stay tuned.  Getting warm here and maybe down right hot!  Not hot enough or consistent enough to plant tender basil seeds.  Still might get into the 30's briefly.  Watch that long-range forecast this time of year.  Very important.  Talk to you later.