Can't believe I'm sitting here in shorts and a t-shirt in November. Last year was also a great day and I even made a small herbal bouquet for the table. I still haven't gotten up in our attic for my winter clothes. Glad the semi-warm weather has hung on! Working on the laundry as well.
I mentioned the nasturtiums hanging on the retaining wall, so the first flower is a nasturtium. I had it in my salad last night. Of course, next is the 'Fairy' rose. I went back this morning and it is still hanging in, but I think it is about done. The tansy bloom (TANSY IS NOT AN EDIBLE FLOWER) is next and I fondly remember all of the ladybug activity this year. It was exciting! Last but not least is the mighty calendula. I have them everywhere now and they are a great fall bloomer. So I think will go out and make an herbal bouquet for the table! Talk to you later!