Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

A Sunday Surprise or Two!

We woke up to rain this morning. Supposed to mow the lawn. It's going to be like a field soon and the Township won't like that! As Scarlet always said, Tomorrow is another day for mowing your lawn! On a brighter note, I found our hardy hibiscus blooming as I was walking out in the front of our garden a couple of days ago. Hibiscus moscheutos or hardy hibiscus is also called swamp mallow. This cultivar is 'Lord Baltimore'. There also is 'Lady Baltimore'. It is the very last plant to come up in the spring so don't despair if you don't see it right away. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is the edible flower and is only hardy for people in Miami and Hawaii. We would have to take those inside for the winter and we have enough to take care of in the winter. Thank you very much! Here is a link that I found with various varieties of hardy hibiscuses. Hope you enjoy it!