Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

how about some lavender syrup?

Isn't this an interesting color?
I had a request for some lavender syrup. It is made much like any of the others we've talked about here on the blog in the past. The herb is steeped for a period of time in hot water, strained, lemon juice added, and it is made into a simple syrup.
Lavender doesn't really impart much color, though. I pondered and pondered, not really wanting to add anything artificial to the blend. Finally my eyes lit upon a handful of blueberries left from a pint I'd gotten at market. Adding about ONE berry for every 2 ounces of liquid, this is the smashing color that came of it. The lemon juice probably helped a lot.
Oh - it tastes wonderful too!
People often ask me what you can use these syrups for. Some use them to make exotic cocktails. I don't drink much alcohol, so there are many other ways we use them here. They can be used as a sweetener any place that a little bit of an herb-y or floral flavor would be good.
Sweetening tea
Lightly drizzled over fruit and sprinkled with edible blossoms
Over ice cream
Belgian waffles and cream...
See? They are good everywhere!