Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Announcing new Blog and Website: Four Seasons Prehistoric Projects

There are a lot of primitive skills schools blooming in the United States right now and to that I say "hallelujah".

I have spent years studying the skills and I even worked at a primitive school for several years - the skills were what first interested me in studying herbalism.

And it is with all of this experience that I can say that Lynx Vilden's school of Four Season Prehistoric Projects is the most comprehensive and in-depth school that exists within the US if not the world. What makes Lynx's school different from the rest is that she doesn't practice the skills in her free time or on the weekends, rather it is her way of life. Lynx constantly amazes me in her ability to push her own limits in re-discovering the ancient way of life.

Her classes are fun and approachable whether you are new to the skills or have been practicing for years.

At other schools you would spend thousands and thousands of dollars to learn hypothetical theory. Lynx teaches from 20 years of experience for the best price offered in the primitive skills arena.

It is with this enthusiasm that I am highlighting her new website and blog. Join Lynx and the students as they prepare for an entire month living in a stone age technology.

Please pass on to other primitive skills enthusiasts!

Visit her blog at:

From the homepage of her new website:

Welcome to Four Seasons Prehistoric Projects!

We strive to "live" in the wilderness, rather than "survive" it to get back to civilization.

At Four Seasons Prehistoric Projects we aim to live sustainably and in harmony with the Earth. We believe that this is best achieved not by desperately waiting for new technologies to emerge but by embracing the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors who lived that way for many thousands of years.
Therefore, our programs focus on re-kindling and applying the practical skills based on ancient knowledge, experiencing the inter-dependency necessary in community living, and nurturing an appreciation for the Earth as a living organism.

We do this through intensive hands-on wilderness living skills training, teaching people how to harvest and transform the gifts of nature for everyday needs such as tools, fire, shelter, food.... in a conscientious and sustainable manner, as the ancients did.
The skills we have to offer include:

wild edible and medicinal plants (food to sustain and nourish us)
large animal processing (including honoring the animals by using all parts)
structure building
bow and arrow making
hunting and trapping methods
hide tanning
clothing and moccasin making
stone and bone tools
horse packing
basketry and containers

Our goal is to be able to live sustainably at a primitive (i.e., simple) level of technology year long.

We dream of a village of people sharing our lives in the arms of our generous and abundant Mother Earth. To reach this goal, we are constantly learning ancestral ways and teaching others who share similar aspirations in week-long intensive classes culminating in immersion projects lasting several months in which we live completely sustainably at a stone-age level of technology.

Right now we are leading month-long primitive-living experiments and we will keep on increasing the length of these experiences until we reach our ultimate goal.

We hope you will join us in this amazing adventure.