Minggu, 22 Februari 2009

Here is My Heart for You!

Yesterday I made the Infused Sugar (Bay Laurel) Sugar Cookies that I talked about in an earlier posting. I made them with this cookie cutter that I purchased through a catalog that I used to receive called Gooseberry Patch. I do not think they have the exact cutter anymore. I broke a few of the finger making these, but the Herbal Husband loved the recipe and the thought behind them. He thought the cookies were very tasty and when he said there aren't any herbs in these. I said but there are because it is bay laurel infused sugar. He was impressed. Notes on the recipe
icing sugar is also powdered sugar and the first cookies in the oven I baked for 15 minutes and the next batches took less time. I didn't use the egg white and extra sugar at the end. The Herbal Husband liked them just as well. Hope you do also!