Senin, 02 Februari 2009

And the winner of our Bead drawing is.....

Susan W from CT ordered a renewal on the 19th of January, automatically making her an entrant. Her name was drawn last night making her the winner of a Herb Beads book, and three vials of the Botanical Bead Powder!
Thanks for ordering Susan!

And now, all orders placed in February will be placed into a drawing for.... drumroll please.... the Herb Word Puzzle booklet that we're putting together right now!
We have about 25 puzzles already put together from over the past several years. We'll pull together some more jumbles, word finds, and crosswords, and put them all together in one place. The winner will most likely receive the very first copy :-). So if you're an herbie word nerd, jump right in! Order a subscription, renewal, back issues, books, any of our products - and get yourself in the running!