Rabu, 24 September 2008

the Autumn Dandelions are in the lawn

I was looking out at the overgrown lawn today, and noticed that there were at least 25 or 30 dandelions blooming in the grass! The fall roots have spent the full summer gathering energy and nutrition, and some of them will send out flowers. Get out your shovels, it's time to harvest the root veggies and herbs (is there a difference?).

We have a guest blogger today, offering this article on Dandelion. Thank you, Kelly!

Digging Deep into the Dandelion Root

There’s a wide range of herbal supplements, each of which acts as a natural aid to health. The dandelion is one such herb; available at hardly any cost and offering tremendous health benefits, this common garden weed holds a wealth of medicinal goodness in its roots and leaves, some of which are listed below:
The leaves have strong diuretic properties and are sometimes better than allopathic drugs in treating kidney infections because they are a rich source of potassium as opposed to the latter which cause the mineral to be lost from the body.
The roots help in purifying the blood and removing toxins from the liver (by increasing bile production) and the kidneys.
It has mild laxative properties and helps relieve constipation.
It aids in the process of digestion and boosts appetite.
It is good for the complexion and helps prevent dry skin conditions and the occurrence of black spots.
It is rich in potassium, iron and other vitamins that help in the treatment of anemia.
It helps in relieving menstrual cramps and painful muscle spasms and offers relief from menopausal symptoms.
The herb helps in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.
It is rich in boron, calcium and silicon and so protects women from osteoporosis and rheumatism by boosting the production of estrogen.
It helps weight reduction by regulating blood sugar and improving fat metabolism.
It is rich in sodium and so helps balance the electrolytes and neutralize acids in the blood.
The sap from the stem and root of the herb contains astringent properties and helps in the treatment of warts, blisters, corns and acne.
It helps lower cholesterol and uric acid levels in the body.
It’s a good substitute for coffee as it contains a similar taste but none of the harmful caffeine content.
A few words of caution while using the dandelion root:
Avoid ingestion if you suffer from gallstones.
It may increase acidity levels, so avoid if you are prone to ulcers.
Avoid if you are allergic to plants like chamomile and yarrow.
Consult your physician if you’re using antibiotics and/or other drugs that reduce blood sugar levels or act as diuretics.
This post was contributed by Kelly Kilpatrick, who writes on the subject of nursing schools online. She invites your feedback at kellykilpatrick24 at gmail dot com.