Rabu, 17 September 2008

A blast from the past

The title isn't really appropriate. Laura Daniel isn't really from the past because we communicate daily. The computer and especially IM's are an incredible means to stay in touch, and we have done so for many years now.
My sister and I met Laura and her beau Robbie at the renaissance faire in '93 or '94. They moved on to the Big Apple within a couple of years, but our friendship endured and they even hosted us during many trips to the wholesale shows while we had a shop to stock. In fact, we started attending shows like "the boutique show" at Javitz just so we could spend a weekend AND buy some cool clothes for the shop.

As the years pass, we find it harder and harder to snatch a pair of days to visit with one another. Her career is taking off, and she can scarcely fit all of her rehearsals, performances, and work into her days - much less a trip out of town.... (photo lifted from NYTimes, and credit goes to Dick Larson, photographer) Remember the name Laura Daniel, folks. If you saw her here first, remember that too - lol. She's flying, and you will soon see and hear her everywhere stage, movies, tv, music recordings, voice-overs... she is incredible!so it was a great surprise to hear that Robbie would be spending a week in a nearby town on business, and Laura would be able to zip over here during the day while she spent some time with him.

We had a great time. First some hugs, then (of course) down into the woods.
Later we went in to downtown Mount Joy for a bite to eat. Molly couldn't get off school that day because of a field trip, but fortunately she got back in time for a hug.

The food at the restaurant (the Tilted Kilt, on Main Street in Mount Joy) was really scrumptious, and the day was glorious, forcing us to choose the open deck along the street for our table. I must apologize to Toby Myers, proprietor of The Tilted Kilt. It's been over a week since we've been there and I can't remember what everyone ate. All I can say is that we ALL enjoyed the meal thoroughly and the dessert that we shared was delicious!

If you are in the vicinity of The Tilted Kilt, stop by and have a bite. Everything from Tartan Fries *YUM!!!* to Scotch Eggs, to Roasted Pepper soup that nephew Rob suggests should be eaten daily. I haven't had any of the alcoholic beverages, but it appears that the libations include a prodigious number of brews.

Very reasonable, not your everyday burgers, but not too different - if you know what I mean. Great pairings of different flavors, textures and tastes, that are just unusual enough to be a wonderful treat.