Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008

Our Garden Tour Site and a little story

The demonstration 'backyard herb garden' project at the county extension is automatically included on the Master Gardener Association garden tour every year. That is because, along with the very cool children's garden, and the turfgrass plots, and the hosta and daylily demonstration gardens, and the very nice "landscape" around the building, the extension is also one of the familiar places where people can purchase their tickets on the day of the tour.

I stick around all day in the garden to greet people and answer questions about herbs, but the leadup to tour day was very instructive to me about the kindness and dedication of our volunteers.

I crawled to my computer the Monday morning before the tour to email my volunteers that I had caught a pretty awful virus and couldn't make it to our scheduled work day. Sharron called Tuesday to tell me that she and four other volunteer workers showed up ANYWAY, to get the garden shaped up, and they worked three hours!
I can't tell you how gratifying it was to me to hear that!
When four more volunteers and I went to the garden for the Saturday work bee to finish up the last minute sprucing up work, there wasn't much of anything left to do!
What a nice bunch of people!

Here follows our small contribution to The Tour: