Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

Herb Fest in Oregon

We are at John Gallagher’s home getting ready to hit the road for Pleasant Hill, Oregon, home of Wise Acres Farm and the annual Herb Fest. (You should see the size of the plantain in his front yard - incredible!)

I’ll be vending Wildcraft! for John and while also attending classes by Christopher Hobbs, Jill Stansbury, Paul Bergner and Michael Tierra.

Will I be seeing any of you there?

I haven’t been to an herbal faire since the 2005 Northwest Herbal Faire where I met the Gallagher family and found out they were renting a room in their house…

Three years later I am thrilled to be a part of and doing really rough work for John (like going to the NW Herb Fest while he is on vacation to visit family in the East Coast).

Besides enjoying the herbal fair I’ll also be heading over to Mountain Rose Herbs to check things out there as well as Heather’s Herb Shop in Eugene.

I know I have been a llttle sparse in my blogging. I had been hoping to do more, but summer is so incredibly busy. I’ll probably be doing a lot of back logging when things settle down – and I assure you notes from my classes this weekend will be included. ☺