Minggu, 13 April 2008

Herb Festival Season - At Last

I'm so spoiled living here in So. Central PA. There are so many really great herbal events in the spring that one needs to plan carefully to avoid missing the favorites, and even then it is impossible to visit them all. Herbal Nirvana!
We started the season off vending at the PA Herb Festival this past Friday and Saturday. There were over 75 vendors and so many cool things to see. My favorite part is visiting with the other herb vendors and getting to see lots of subscribers in person.
We get to know each other so well via the Yahoo list and emails, but it is so much fun to meet and jabber.

Something interesting happened this year. We are usually completely organized. We have everything packed and ready to go days before an event, so that we can arrive, set up, and enjoy the show. Not this time.
The week before, we spent a good part of every day at the hospital with our brother. The next issue of the magazine sat in boxes around the living room, and every day I'd tab another box or two. We crammed a couple of hours of show prep into each day somewhere... On Thursday he was released. That night the computer didn't want to print out the mailing labels, but after several anxious hours we accomplished that - and got them all labeled and ready for sacking. They got to the post office at opening time, while Maryanne loaded the car for the show.
We didn't have lots of stuff. There wasn't much we could do about it. But everything that was really essential was there. And it STILL went off without too many hitches!

But to give you a little glimpse into the state of my thought processes over the last week or so.......
I drink coffee in the morning. Every day for the last several years, there has been a carton of half and half in the exact same space on the exact same shelf. Nobody else uses it. Just me.
On Friday morning I opened the refrigerator and saw an empty space. I searched everywhere, including the trash can. Nothing.
Last night when we got home, I started to put something in the microwave but there was already something in there. The carton of half and half.

Today is mine! All the deadlines are met, all the commitments completed for the moment.
Next Saturday we'll be at The Natural Healthfest in Hanover PA... but that's WAY off :-).