Senin, 07 April 2008

GTS - one day late but hey, crocuses

Join Green Thumb Sunday

My crocus(es) of hope

Gardeners, Plant and Nature Lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

While I was occupied yesterday with my annual chore (as opposed to fun) of hacking back the miscanthuses, I heard the sounds of spring peepers, bees, and my first haiku of the season which seem to come out of nowhere while I'm gardening and usually return there.

"Spring ephemeral,"
she sighed, decapitating
another snowdrop.

Hey, I don't knock the heads off my spring ephemerals on purpose! Here is a happy little scene, and if you click on the photo for the enlargement you can see the hardy cyclamen pretty well.

My happy corner,
Will it blossom tomorrow
if you are not there?

On the topic of crocuses did you notice in the first GTS photo the damage to the petals of the crocuses? I think the bees did that!

The humming crocus
invites any bee in the
neighborhood to stop.

The tommies are the pale, more ephemeral looking crocuses in the photo above.
Some people will tell you the tommies are the first blooming of all crocuses, but around here the tommies are among the first of the crocuses to bloom.

Here is an amusing bit: while I was off looking up the correct plural of crocus, I ran across this:
crocus [ˈkrəukəs]
Arabic: زَعْفران زراعي
Chinese (Simplified): 藏红花
Chinese (Traditional): 藏紅花
Czech: krokus
Danish: krokus
Dutch: krokus
Estonian: krookus
Finnish: krookus
French: crocus
German: der Krokus
Greek: κρόκος (το φυτό)
Hungarian: krókusz
Icelandic: dverglilja, krókus
Indonesian: krokus
Italian: croco
Japanese: クロッカス
Korean: 크로커스
Latvian: krokuss
Lithuanian: krokas
Norwegian: krokus
Polish: krokus
Portuguese (Brazil): açafrão
Portuguese (Portugal): açafrão
Romanian: şofran
Russian: крокус
Slovak: krókus
Slovenian: žafran
Spanish: azafrán
Swedish: krokus
Turkish: çiğdem; safran
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version), © 2000-2006 K Dictionaries Ltd.