Selasa, 12 Februari 2008

Permaculture Demonstration Plot at Michigan State University

Whew, when I look back on that day I remember what hot weather was. Notice the herbs? The USEFUL plants. Herbs can be planted as plant allies in our permaculture planted yards because of their many and varied uses.
Bill Mollison on the video I posted yesterday said he originally thought the word he invented 'permaculture' didn't mean permanent agriculture, but a permanence in culture. Something to chew on.

Doesn't it look like we were having a good time? Some other time I'll post the photos I took of the other workshop, on hoop houses, that was offered as well by the staff at the Michigan State University Student Organic Farm.
You should definitely jump at the chance to attend one of these free day-long workshops if they are offered again this year. Besides the guided tour and plenty of Q and A, they gave out a full notebook of information and for the Permaculture class the book, "Gaia's Garden - A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture" by Toby Hemenway.
It was in part sponsored by the USDA RDA (Risk Management Agency). It is your tax money at work, folks, and I mean that in a good way. This is the kind of thing that will really make Americans "secure", if they start educating themselves and living their "values".