Jumat, 01 Februari 2008

A Local Hero

Anyone who has ever brought a turfgrass sample to the Home Horticulture help window at the Genesee County Extension, or seen the sample turfgrass plots there, or who has asked for help on the Master Gardener Plant and Pest Hotline, or who has Ask(ed) a Master Gardener a gardening question at the Flint Farmer's Market or a myriad of other venues, has probably met and spoken to, or otherwise assuredly been helped by one of my local heroes, Jim.

He is a model for us all in how to grow older gracefully. Jim lives his compassion by active community volunteering. He always has a hug and an encouraging word for the rest of us.
Jim shares his wisdom by maintaining a vital interest in everything, with his dogged pursuit of continuing education, and then in his turning around and giving back his knowlege, for free, to the community.

Jim has had a setback and this note came today from Terry on the Master Gardener list-serve:

Genesee Master Gardener Volunteers:
An absolutely wonderful medical update on MG Jim Fearon's condition: Jim was taken off the respirator yesterday afternoon, and is breathing on his own, awake, alert, and talkative! He is being transferred out of intensive care late this afternoon. These are amazing developments, and his family and friends are so very thankful for your continuing thoughts and prayers!

All I can say is, stay with us, Jim. We need you here. Spring is coming and our world wouldn't be the same without you.

Jim is the handsome guy on the right in this photo:

The usual suspects: Don, Ruth, Me, Sue, Phil, Mary, and Jim.