Rabu, 02 Januari 2008

Holy Basil helps me slide into 2008

If you've been reading along, you may have guessed that the last couple of months have given me some emotional bumps and bruises.
We've been caring for, worrying about and moving a family member, while still running the business(es), raising the kid, getting through the holidays, and all of the other everyday hurdles. It's been difficult, and even though I am generally pretty hard to keep down, it got to me.

In the autumn, there was a discussion of Holy Basil on the Essential Herbal Yahoo! list. Mostly, we talked about the reported effects it may have on cortisol production, stress, weight, and such. That was enough to send me out to the garden to harvest my beautiful plant. Into a series of mason jars went the leaves. They were covered with a high alcohol content vodka, where they stayed until a couple of weeks ago.
In the photo, there are a couple of mason jars still "working", and a dropper bottle that I'm using now. There are also oils, vinegars and other tinctures working away there.
Doing some research on Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum), also known as Tulsi,which translates to "incomparable one", this herb looks to be another one of those miracle herbs that shows up from time to time. *Some* of the reported benefits include: reduces stress, supports general health and vitality, adaptogenic, decreases cortisol production, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol in non-insulin dependant type 2 diabetes patients, supports immune function, improves cognitive function, excellent anti-oxident properties, protects the liver, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and increases lung function in cases of asthma and allergies.
Well, okay.
Here's my report. The stress level I was experiencing was pretty high. Probably one of the top 5 instances I can recall.
I decanted some of the tincture, and was immediately thrilled with the color. It is a rich, emerald green. The scent is gorgeous, and it tastes delicious. I took about 20-25 drops in a little water at around 10 am. By 2 that afternoon, I could feel a shift, and the black clouds cleared out.
By the next day, I really couldn't figure out what was so bad before. The change was startlingly abrupt, but more welcome than I can say.
You can find it here

I can't say anything about the other reported benefits, and who knows... maybe the shift would have come about on its own. However, that is one tincture I am very pleased to have put together last fall, and will be sure to have it on hand from now on. Originally, I put the plant in to make herbal beads with. The scent is so beautiful. Now I can see that there will need to be more than one plant in the garden next year. Michele at Possum Creek Herb Farm is making sure there will be plants available, so if you're looking for a source, give Michele a holler! If you know of another source, please feel free to list it in the comments section. Susanna?